Sunday 1 March 2009

Nah Transformed!

Well, I'm glad that Lewis's plan worked to some extent, he also said that game industries do this all the time, use existing limbs and parts to make other characters instead of starting from scartch. Take Metal Gear Solid for instance. Anyway I was able to get Baks body proprtions more or less correct, with a few vertice movements there, a few scalings there and so forth. In the beginning I tried to do what Lewis said about deleting parts and using them on an already existing torso, but when it came to deleting for example the leg, difficulties began to arise like a bat out of hell. You see where the vertice points are concerned I had no idea how I was gonna merge them. The same issue occured with the hands, it just broke up the topolgy too much when I used the Face mode to cut them. So I figured the body is similar in shape it's just larger, so I decided to make it thinner, that's where the slimfasting came in. Overall I'm quite proud of it, but as usual refinements need to be made.
I'm very happy about the belly, as you can see I didn't bother with the drawings of Bak since I already have them on paper. The thing I wish I could get though is the belly button to stick out like a dangling....erm...thing, but as Josh said "harder than it looks". But anyways how I achieved this is just first selecting the approprate vertices and scaling and squishing them, the going into the 4 views and moving them with the move tool. I also think I had to delete some vertices along the way, but I don't think it was this section.

The back of This I'm also proud of it wasn't here that I had to do some deletioons but it was the top half of the torso. again the same principle was done to achive this. Not much to say on this part.

The skirt, yup not too difficult for me too hande just a matter of scaling the vertices. I must say I'm very happy with my progress. Today is the 1st of March and there's not long to go before we do the submission. I just hop the the shading and texturing go well and get this done before Fri Resident Evil 5 is coming and I don't wanna miss that. But I'm begining to rum out of energy here, with the modelling that is. But I got no choice but to push forward, with my trusty Maya 7 book I shall overcome this and have redemption. I just need to refine some more and then start on the head...eep! Stay tuned.

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