Wednesday 11 March 2009

Nah Living In Colour

Well after getting the runnings, self harm tears and singing some Oklahoma I finally manged to get Nah complete. But I have to say that the computers, are utterly pants! Jeez almost everything started falling apart becuase maya decided to two-face on me and work when it wants to. The same procedure was used in order to colour the modlle like lamberts, blins and using the shell typology to colour him. I was actually able to use photoshop which made colouring a lot faster, before there was an error that would.n't have it. There is still something I wanna do with the mask like adding a blin on it but if it messes up I'm leaving it out.

I added an occlusion on these pics to try and bring out it's full visual potential. Not much to say on this moddle now. But I've had a somewhat good experience on modelling and texturing, I just need to practice more on these elements in order to get better. However I am seriously not a maya person. But going back to the moddle I have to say that Lewis and Josh's moddles looks scik compared to mine, I'm almost starting to wish that had clothes or that I wish I did Kieth, but because I wasn't confident in my abilities of modelling I chickened out. However the next time or more likely in my own time I'll learn to modell clothes. Well that's about it I've fought the climatic battle of my sanity vs maya and surprisingly I'm still sane, which is good. Next I have to go and make a little movie to sum up my work, so stay tuned!

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