Sunday 8 March 2009

Checker Texture?

Well after following the good books directions this is what I've achieved. I thinh it does this in order to see how the texture would look if it were textured properly, like at the beginnig the texture didn't cover the whole body, only bits of it. However afters some adjustments in sub-menues and such it came out like this, so as far as I understand this is a test. To be honest I dunno what the heck I'm doing on this model all I can do is look at the pics the book shows me, compare it to my own and ask myself, "does it look right?" Well I got no clue. All I cans say is the body texture seems to wrap around quite well as for the head, I have a gut feeling that its wrong. But I decided to take a step back in my model and that's what the head looked like before I went messing around in the Planar mapping menu(the top picture). This looks more accurate than the last and it seems to look more accurate with the pictures in the Maya book so I'm gonna leave it like that and see how it turns out. I'm gonna break for now but I'm gonna save two versions just to be safe, stay tuned.


  1. Hey Neil the yeah your on the right ball the checker texture is to see if their will be any smudging/stretching of the texture so you wont them to all be squares of the same proportion for the head it is usualy good to use cylindrical mapping and move it round so you got the front of the head on the UV texture editor as for the rest of the body i would suggest doing it in patches by grabbing faces and either use automatic mapping or once again cylindrical eg around the top leg then do the bottom seperatly. Dont know if that helps, Yaniv is very good though with texturing so it may be wise on how he did it.

  2. Hmm it's like I'm looking into my future...
